Kishwaukee Valley Regulators News
Good news!!! Our June match
will be held, weather permitting. For the health of our participants,
we will be setting safety practices in place to follow recommended
government guidelines. Please read them before you come.
Safety precautions/procedures guidelines to address Government Covid19 and Aurora Sportsman’s Club recommendations.
Aurora Sportsman’s Club waiver for non-members and COVID-19 waiver for all must be signed at registration table.
1. Social distancing will be enforced - 6ft apart -no handshakes - no hugs..
2. At sign in, multiple pens will
be placed in a container. After someone uses one they lay it on the
counter, at which point it will be disinfected with a disinfectant wipe
before returning it to the container.
3. Money/fees will be taken and handled by only one person. Please be patient as this may take extra time.
4. An announcement will be made
before the match asking that if anyone is not feeling well or believes
they were possibly exposed that they should not participate. If you are
sick or feel you have been exposed, please do not come. There will be
other matches.
5. Please bring your own hand
sanitizer. We will try to have some available, but it is in limited
supplies right now. If available, it will be placed at the Registration
Table, Port a potties, and at each unloading table. If we can’t get
enough then instead of each unloading table, each posse gets one and it
travels to the unloading table with them.
6. Firearms are to be handled only by the shooter.
7. Only two Timer Officers per
posse, each with his own timer, not to be handed off, and to be
disinfected after the match and they are required to wear face masks.
8. Only two score keepers per
posse, (one if we can find someone who is not shooting and willing to
volunteer) each with their own pen.
9. Only two people at the loading table at opposite ends. Only one person at the unloading table other
than the unloading officer. The unloading officer needs to watch from a
distance. Timing officer needs to be observant to make sure the
unloading table doesn’t become backed up by pacing the shooters. Also
pacing must be done if there are multiple posses to make sure that the
unloading table isn’t being shared as a loading table also.
10. Brassers should not pick up brass with their hands, unless wearing gloves, but only use pickup devices. Participants need to understand they may not get all their brass back.
11. No spotting kerchiefs
will be used. It is the TO’s responsibility to make sure they have
three spotters and know who they are.
12. Knockdown targets to be reset by one or two of the same people.
13. It is best to bring your own water or beverages.
14. Posses may be limited in size.
15. It is requested that all participants wear face masks when unable
to follow social distancing guidelines and when the masks can be worn
safely, bearing in mind that we are handling and firing deadly weapons.
****Participants must understand that
due to all the precautions, the pace of the match will be slowed down
and could take longer. ***
Annual Cabin Fever Dinner Party
Sorrento's Ranch
Once again the Regulators held their annual
Cabin Fever Banquet at Sorrento's Ranch.
As usual the food was great, the games were fun
and the company couldn’t be beat!
Watch here for the Feb. 2017 dinner details.